IMPAX Gage/Dimension MonitorPTG's Gage/Dimension Monitor is designed to accept input from electronic gages, and to compare measurements to upper and lower limits. Relay outputs are activated after a set number of good parts have been measured, or if a bad part is ever measured. These outputs can be used to control lights or other indicators, or to lock catch-pans so that bad parts do not contaminate good batches. The Gage/Dimension Monitor is compatible with many types of electronic gages, and converters are also available for many gage brands. The gauging system can be incorporated with other monitoring products, or installed on unmonitored machines or workstations. Custom monitoring products can also be designed for any gauging application, as standalone devices, or as a networked system that collects and records measured dimension information. The system is designed to be easy to use without disrupting the normal flow of part measurement. Once the limits for acceptable measurements have been configured, an operator can simply measure parts normally using the electronic gage. Each measurement will be recorded and compared to the limits. If measurements are good, no further action is necessary, but any out-of-spec measurement will cause the system to show the bad measurement along with the limits. Measurements are also logged, and past measurements can be reviewed using the touch-screen interface. System configuration is also easy, thanks to the intuitive screen design. Features:
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