IMPAX PASS MonitorReliable Power Monitoring for ApplicationsThe IMPAX PASS (Process Analysis and Sorting System) is designed to ensure process consistency and part quality for slow- to medium-speed applications. Its process analysis routines can examine every machine cycle, to sort out suspicious parts, detect worn or broken tools, and verify that quality standards are met. The PASS uses a motor power sensor to measure the power signal used during each cycle. The monitor measures the peak of this signal, and the area under the curve (integration) of the signal. It is capable of automatically learning the power profile for a given application, and setting upper and lower bounds on the peak and area-under-curve. Alternatively, fixed limits can be used for previously-run parts and tools.
When an error or inconsistency is found in a machine cycle, the PASS can control a diverter gate to separate the current part, and can stop the machine based on the number of consecutive errors. Furthermore, the monitor enforces crash limits, so if a machine motor ever exceeds a safe power threshold, the machine is immediately stopped. Features: