Monitoring Products, Sensors, and Data Collection Software for all Production Environments.
IMPAX Monitors
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Benefits of Monitoring

IMPAX Networking

IMPAX monitors provide reliable process monitoring, but productivity monitoring is also important: the former allows you to protect your machine processes, but the latter is required for tracking production, monitoring machine efficiency, detecting downtime conditions, and overall ensuring productivity and profitability.

Interface with IMPAX TSS monitors


All IMPAX monitors can be easily interfaced with IMPAX TSS monitors, via a module that uses the IMPAX monitor's good-parts-detection logic. As the monitor observes each machine cycle, determining whether it was a good part or whether there was problem with the stroke, this information is passed along to the TSS monitor.

TSS systems are productivity monitors, tracking all machine production, determining uptime and downtime, and calculating efficiencies. They can capture production information from IMPAX monitors, and also let operators enter downtime reasons, via an optional additional touch panel interface.

Networked data collection through TSS-NET


Once this information is in the TSS monitor, it can easily be collected and viewed in real-time using IMPAX TSS-NET software. TSS-NET is a suite of PC software designed for status viewing, data collection, and reporting from TSS monitors. TSS-NET lets you monitor production statistics in real time, and view uptime and downtime data as it occurs on the shop floor.

TSS-NET collects real-time and historical data about shop floor processes, which can be used to improve manufacturing processes as needed, resulting in increased productivity and improved quality.

With IMPAX monitors on machines for process protection, and the IMPAX TSS system collecting and archiving data, every activity in shop can be monitored, to ensure maximum productivity and profitability.

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